Our commitment

Real estate industry

Feldhoff & Cie. has participated since 2016 in the ZIA (Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss e.V. - German Property Federation). Simone Ulmer is on the regional board of "Mitte", Tom Zeller is a regional representative working on the retail committee and Sandra Günther is actively involved in the human resources committee.

Since April 2023, our colleague Maurice Fischer has been Young Leader Co-Chair for Frankfurt am Main. The ULI Young Leader Chairs represent the young professionals of the ULI in the respective councils. The ULI offers one of the best platforms for a constructive interdisciplinary and cross-generational exchange of knowledge on the topic of sustainable urban development. Additionally, ULI represents prominent industry figures and a mutually supportive community.

We are delighted that with Maurice Fischer and Paul Jörg Feldhoff, as members of the DACH Executive Committee and Local Chair Frankfurt, we can now become twice more involved in the ULI and would like to thank them for the trust they have placed in us.

Simone Ulmer moderates ULI's annual Urban Leaders Summit, taking place in 2024 for the fourth consecutive time.

We are a member of the Institute for Corporate Governance in the German Real Estate Industry - Germany's leading platform for the exchange, knowledge transfer and further training for value-oriented corporate culture in the industry.

The Rocket Circle program initiated by Feldhoff & Cie. in 2017 is the exclusive business network for top female decision-makers in the real estate industry. It connects, promotes and challenges leading female decision-makers in the real estate industry in a structured yet confidential setting. Rocket Circle has now been in existence for eight years and has grown into a strong and influential network with 60 participants. The ladies, who have already completed the one-year coaching program, meet five times a year at different locations: for example at MIPIM, Expo Real or at project tours followed by a dinner. Only eight to ten participants are accepted per year. The selection is made through recommendations and personal contact.

Further commitment in the real estate industry

Economic sector

Paul Jörg Feldhoff supports the Frankfurt Forward initiative as a jury member.

Frankfurt Forward is the independent matchmaker & initiator for the FrankfurtRhineMain startup ecosystem. As a project of the Frankfurt Economic Development Agency, it promotes the further development of innovation and digitalization in Frankfurt am Main.

In particular, start-ups and industrial companies are networked across sectors, allowing both worlds to benefit from each other through know-how, experience, technologies and innovations. At the same time, a bridge is built between the start-up ecosystem and politics. The project is made possible not only by the city of Frankfurt, but also by the support of over 30 investors and CEOs from the region.

Further commitment in the economic sector

Society & Education

Since the beginning of 2023, we have been supporting the non-profit initiative Netzwerk Chancen, which promotes equal opportunities and the recognition of social background as a dimension of diversity in Germany. We have sponsored five tandem pairs, in which one FCI employee is assigned to a mentee from Netzwerk Chancen.

These teams meet at regular intervals to discuss career-related topics. Our five team members are actively available to the scholarship holders not only for all professional but also private questions in order to accompany and support them in their careers.

Through our commitment to the START Foundation, we have been supporting young people with a migration background since 2022. START supports selected young people with a scholarship through a demanding three-year education and engagement program.

The foundation strengthens future skills, creates encounters with role models, offers inspiration and exemplifies a tolerant society.

Feldhoff & Cie. Holding has been a co-partner of the well-known NGO STARTUP TEENS since 2022. The aim of STARTUP TEENS' work is to teach young people relevant future skills and promote their entrepreneurship - in other words, things that they do not learn at school, such as entrepreneurial thinking, coding and personal development.

The circle of partners is a who's who of German family businesses and tech entrepreneurs. Every year, STARTUP TEENS organizes a national business plan challenge for School Teams in seven categories, each with a prize of 10,000 euros.


Picture credits: Oper Frankfurt / Monika Rittershaus

As a member of the Frankfurter Patronatsverein für die Städtischen Bühnen e.V., we support opera, drama and dance and thus an essential part of Frankfurt's cultural scene. Paul Jörg Feldhoff is a member of the board of trustees of the opera section.

We are also a sponsor of the Opera Gala, which makes it possible to realize many opera projects. Incidentally, the Frankfurt Opera has repeatedly been voted Opera House of the Year. We are proud to be able to support such an important cultural institution.

Feldhoff & Cie. supports the Frankfurt MUSEUM FOR MODERN ART as part of the MMK Collectors Club. Paul Jörg Feldhoff is also a member of the board of trustees of the Förderverein Freunde des MMK.

Over 5,000 works of art, from the 1960s to the present day, make up the collection of the Museum of Modern Art. With central groups of works by international and national artists, the museum is one of the most important institutions for contemporary art. The Museum of Modern Art opened in 1991 under the direction of Jean-Christophe Ammann in the postmodern museum building designed by Hans Hollein. He was followed by Udo Kittelmann from 2002 to 2008 and Susanne Gaensheimer from 2009 to 2017. Susanne Pfeffer was appointed director of the museum in 2018. Since its inception, the museum has been closely linked to the commitment of citizens and Frankfurt companies, whose generosity and trust have helped to develop the collection into one of the most internationally renowned.